Why Voting Matters
Will your vote truly make a difference? The short answer is YES! Yes, your vote can be a small step to drive the change you want and have a voice where you live. I think this privilege should always be valued and utilized in every election. It’s like you get the amazing chance to pick your boss. You get to cast your vote for the person you’d like to be THE person to lead you. A person you could work side by side with. A person that you could see and listen to. A person who has the same understandings and concerns and values.
However, we need to keep in mind that politicians are just people. People who want to make a difference in their community and maybe even eventually their nation, but still just people. They will make mistakes. They probably will break promises like you and me, but that’s why your vote is so crucial! It matters whether or not they crash and burn or have a close to flawless race, but don’t sit in the stands and complain while they are out there hustling. Use your vote. Use your voice and be loud with your vote.
Every vote counts: If you can vote you should vote. Every vote truly matters and counts, especially in local elections. There have been some elections that have come down to just a few hundred votes in the past - proving that this is not a theory, but a fact.
There is no excuse: It’s easier than ever in today’s society to vote. You not only see signs and commercials like in past elections and hear the talk around the water cooler, but social media is filled with who is running and what their platform is. You can also see all sides of the campaigns in social media posts whether it’s showing a personal side, or if someone is bashing the other candidate or not. It’s easier than ever to be educated, so use what you have learned and let your voice be heard with your ballot.
You may not care today, but you might tomorrow: Maybe you aren’t struggling today with an issue in your town or in your community, but you may a few years from today. Voting today is a choice for tomorrow. Speak up, make a choice, and take part in something that can make a difference in your life, and the lives of your loved ones. If not for you then think about how this vote can effect those that will come or who are coming after you.
Love where you live: We all want the best for where we live because we want the best for ourselves and others around us and where we live and hopefully thrive. This is one way to truly impact where you live.
Because you have the freedom too: There are men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us. Because of them we get to walk into the polls today and cast a vote for who we want to help run our community. If there is no other compelling reason for you to vote, the fact that courageous men and women have given their lives for you to live in freedom, should be enough. Go and cast that vote with a grateful heart.
“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the people and burn their behinds, then they will have to sit on their blisters.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Don’t burn your behind today ;-)