Local leader Emily Fox is helping to change people’s lives from the inside out
She walks with a generosity of spirit - open and ready to give to anyone she encounters. A native to Central Kentucky, of a town called Liberty, Emily Fox, has an infectious light and compassionate heart that have led her to begin a charity and a gathering; impacting many in E’town and around the world.
The charity: “Forget the Frock.” Its big idea: to “be a movement of people choosing compassion over fashion. Ditch the suit. Hang up the fancy dress and the desire to impress,” and buy a t-shirt from any charity. People wear their shirts on Easter Sunday and tell everyone about their charity of choice. Their major partner is Feeding the Orphans and the proceeds of most of the shirts available on their site go to them.
After successfully launching her charity in 2011, a job change moved her and Jason (her husband), across the country to Arizona. According to Emily they literally found themselves “alone, in the desert.” And it was at this point in her journey she thought “Forget the Frock” was coming to an end. She believed that the Lord gave it to her for a season to change the lives it touched, but that now it was time for something else.
It was in this new season that she was introduced to another movement, the “IF: Gathering.” The “IF:Gathering” is a live women’s conference with a simulcast. So, there on her computer screen, in the desert, she watched women gathering “to equip women with gospel-centered resources, events, and community so they may learn more about who God is and disciple (mentor) other women right where they are.”
In 2014, Jason, was offered a job on staff at First Christian Church here in town. It was an offer they could not turn down. They packed up and moved back to Kentucky, and became E’town residents and it has benefitted from their investment over the last four years. She sees the community’s willingness to be involved in helping others as one of its greatest assets. “I love how quickly the people of E’town are willing to rally around and support each other, whether that’s a fundraising effort or city wide event,” she explained.
After getting settled, she started thinking back to that night in Arizona streaming the “IF:Gathering” and decided to start a branch in E’town with a few friends. And start it she did. Now, “IF:Elizabethtown” has grown. It is hosted at her church every year and brings together about 400 women representing various churches throughout the region. Equipping women to learn more about Jesus and watching these women do other amazing things around the city is what fuels her to continually drive this community of women.
“IF:Elizabethtown” is not the only movement she brought here. Remember “Forget the Frock”? Well, while she was in Arizona, the movement didn’t die out at all, in fact it continued to grow. Today this beautiful charity has money going to feed orphans, fund adoptions, providing clean water around the world, and so much more. The initial fundraising of $30,000.00 has now grown to sixteen different organizations reporting over $262,000.00 in proceeds from the purchase of their t-shirts. And sixty additional organizations participated for a total of $1,046,076.00 raised since 2011.
Both of these movements are changing people’s lives from the inside out, due in no small part to Emily’s courage to take the first step and do something, and her willingness to be used by God for His purposes. E’town is no doubt benefiting from this courageous act.
Her family is benefiting too. Her three kids get to see first hand her generosity in action. Daughters Stella and Vivian, and son Boone, who was born with Down’s Syndrome; all a reflection of the spirit that Emily carries and they are learning what it means to reflect the goodness that Emily admits only comes from the Lord. They see it in the daily care she gives them, the light she spreads to all those she encounters, and the way she is working to change the way people view Down’s Syndrome.
She has been challenged to see differently with the addition of Boone; “success looks different for him,” she explained, “Instead of walking at 1, success is walking at 2.” She is a champion for him and has learned to “be ok with the slow and steady.” She longs for people to not see a person with a disability, but to see their many abilities.
October is Down Syndrome Awareness month, and on social media she is bringing positivity, encouragement, and awareness to Downs Syndrome; calling themselves #theluckyfew and celebrating all month what their sweet, Boone T. brings into this world.
Emily is sharing her heart here in E’town and we can’t wait to see what life-changing thing she is going to do next!
Facebook @IFElizabethtown
Photos: Facebook @studiolovelight, Instagram @jessicamariemontana, https://studiolovelight.com/